Install fine, reboot to Zorin fails

I downloaded iso, dd to usb flash drive fine. booted into live media fine, It did its checksum test, all ok. installed Zorin, went great. Reboot new installation, grub menu appeared. Selected boot Zorin, Everything good until … check sda# clean. Then my pc hangs, no progress, just a flashing cursor. I tried three times, the third time i downloaded a new copy of the iso, just in case. I had to reinstall reborn os, ( as i had a copy on flash}, and am now playing with mx linux. i admit iam a bit of a distro hopper.

Hello rikki64,

From the description you’ve provided, it sounds like you’ve encountered an issue with booting Zorin OS after installation. Here are a few steps and checks you might want to consider:

  1. File System Check : The message “check sda# clean” typically indicates a filesystem check that passed. It shouldn’t be the cause of the hang. However, to ensure that your drive’s health is in good condition, you might want to run a disk health utility from the live USB.
  2. GRUB Configuration : Sometimes, issues arise from the GRUB bootloader configuration. Boot from your Zorin live USB and check /etc/default/grub . You might want to experiment with removing quiet splash from the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT line, which would display more verbose boot messages instead of the Zorin splash screen. This can give you a clearer picture of where the boot process is hanging.
  3. Graphics Issues : Many boot hang issues, especially when transitioning from the text boot messages to the graphical environment, can be attributed to graphics driver issues. If you suspect this might be the case, try booting into recovery mode from the GRUB menu, and then select the “resume” option. If you can get into the system this way, it might be worth investigating and possibly switching your graphics drivers.
  4. UEFI/BIOS : Make sure your BIOS or UEFI settings are appropriately configured. Sometimes, systems have issues with specific modes (like legacy vs. UEFI). Ensure Secure Boot is disabled as well since some drivers may have issues with it.
  5. Kernel Parameters : In some cases, specific kernel boot parameters might help. For instance, you can try adding nomodeset if you suspect graphics issues or acpi=off if you believe it’s a power management problem.
  6. Check Journal Logs : If you manage to boot into a terminal or access the file system from another OS or a live session, inspect the logs for any hints. You can use journalctl -xb to view system logs from the last boot. This might provide more insights into what’s going wrong.

Lastly, even if you’re a distro hopper (which is totally fine, by the way – it’s always fun to experiment!), having a stable backup OS can be useful in situations like this. It can give you a working environment from which to troubleshoot and fix issues.

I hope this helps! Let us know if you need further guidance.

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