How to install wifi driver (RTL8188C_8192C)

I am new on Zorin os 16 i want to know that how can i install a wifi driver --> RTL8188C_8192C
i have a cd of this driver so, please tell me how can i install it.
Thanks in advance!

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Hello @sam31

The process of installing the RTL8188C_8192C WiFi driver on Zorin OS 16 from a CD would typically involve the following steps:

  1. Insert the CD/DVD into your computer:

    • If the CD contains an autorun script, a prompt may appear. If so, choose to open the CD in a file manager.
  2. Open a Terminal:

    • You can find it by searching for “Terminal” in the start menu.
  3. Navigate to the CD/DVD directory:

    cd /media/$(whoami)/<CD_NAME>
    • Replace <CD_NAME> with the name of your CD/DVD. You can find this by listing the directories under /media/$(whoami)/ using the ls command.
  4. Locate the Driver Installation Script or File:

    • Typically, manufacturers would include a .sh installation script or a .deb package. If you’re unsure, look for README or INSTALL files that may contain installation instructions.
  5. Install the Driver:

    • If it’s a .sh file:

      sudo chmod +x <filename>.sh
      sudo ./<filename>.sh

      Replace <filename>.sh with the name of the installation script.

    • If it’s a .deb file:

      sudo apt install ./<filename>.deb

      Replace <filename>.deb with the name of the Debian package.

  6. Reboot Your System:

    • After the installation is complete, it’s a good practice to reboot your system to ensure the driver is loaded properly.
    sudo reboot
  7. Check if the WiFi Driver is Loaded Properly:

    • After rebooting, open a terminal and type:
    lspci -knn | grep Net -A3

    This command will show you network adapters and the drivers they are using. Ensure that your WiFi adapter is using the RTL8188C_8192C driver.

If you encounter any issues or error messages, please note them down, as they can be useful in troubleshooting.

Remember, always be cautious when installing software or drivers from external sources, including CDs. Ensure you trust the source and be wary of potential security issues. If the driver on the CD is outdated or incompatible with your kernel version, you may need to look for updated drivers online or check the official Realtek website.

Hope this helps! If you have further questions or face any issues, feel free to ask!