My laptop screen is blank on start up and I can't login + my system is freeze whenever I login in

My laptop screen was unable to seen and I can’t see any graphical interface. Also i can’t login to my laptop. The most interesting part is if I login to my pc it just freeze and don’t respond.

I just have to force shut down it.
After restart it look same again.
Now the display is blank and I don’t know what to do!

Hello @Beliveanik

Based on your description, it sounds like you’re experiencing graphical issues with your Zorin OS installation on your laptop. Let’s take a step-by-step approach to diagnose and potentially fix the problem:

  1. Try Booting into Recovery Mode:

    • Restart your laptop.
    • As the system boots, hold down the Shift key to bring up the GRUB menu.
    • From the menu, select the option labeled “Advanced options for Zorin OS”.
    • Choose “Zorin OS, with Linux … (recovery mode)”.
    • Once you’re in recovery mode, select “network” to enable network support (this is required if you need to install or update software).
    • Then select “root” to get a root shell prompt.
  2. Check for Disk Errors:

    • From the root shell prompt, run fsck -f /dev/sda1 (assuming /dev/sda1 is your root partition). This will check and repair any filesystem issues.
  3. Reconfigure Display Manager:

    • Still from the root shell, you can reconfigure your display manager (likely LightDM if you haven’t changed it) with: dpkg-reconfigure lightdm.
  4. Update and Upgrade:

    • Sometimes a simple update and upgrade can fix these issues. You can run:
      apt update && apt upgrade
  5. Reinstall Graphics Drivers:

    • Depending on whether you’re using integrated graphics (Intel) or dedicated graphics (Nvidia/AMD), you’ll need to reinstall the appropriate drivers:
      • For Intel: apt install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-intel
      • For Nvidia: apt install --reinstall nvidia-driver
      • For AMD: apt install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu
  6. Reboot:

    • Exit the recovery mode and reboot your laptop: reboot.
  7. If All Else Fails, Use a Live USB:

    • Boot your laptop from a Zorin OS live USB.
    • Once booted, check if the graphical environment works. If it does, this likely means there’s a software/configuration issue with your installed system, and not a hardware issue.
    • From the live session, you can also backup important data before making any further changes or reinstalling.

Remember to follow the steps methodically and be careful, especially when working as the root user in recovery mode.